Parvatasana (Seated Mountain Pose)

The Seated Mountain Pose or the seated Parvatasana gives a good stretch to the trunk, waist and shoulders. In Sanskrit, Parvat means a mountain and asana means a pose. In this posture, the body is stretched to look like a mountain. The seated mountain pose is good posture to release the stress in the shoulders and the trunk.

CONTACT AYUSH NOW Email: WhatsApp / Mobile: +91 91612 09136

Sunrise Yoga in Varanasi

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.

CONTACT AYUSH NOW Email: Whatsapp / Mobile: +91 91612 09136


Garbha Pindasana (Womb Embryo Pose)

Garbha Pinda means an embryo in the womb (garbha = womb; pinda = embryo).

The name of the posture indicates that the ancient sages knew about the growth of the human foetus in the mother’s womb though the medical instruments at their disposal were limited.

In this posture the abdominal organs are contracted completely and the blood is made to circulate well round the organs. This keeps them in trim.

CONTACT AYUSH NOW Email: Whatsapp / Mobile: +91 91612 09136


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

The practice of this asana helps to eradicate stiffness in the region of the shoulder-blades, and arthritis of the shoulder joints is relieved. The abdominal muscles are drawn towards the spine and strengthened. As the diaphragm is lifted to the chest cavity the rate of the heart beat is slowed down. This is an exhilarating pose.

Persons suffering from high blood pressure can do this pose.

CONTACT AYUSH NOW Email: Whatsapp / Mobile: +91 91612 09136


Hatha Yoga teacher Ayush performing Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3 Pose) powerful standing posture in a beach  with Sunset.

Eka Padasana (One Foot Pose)

Physical-on maintaining the alignment of limbs and spine, and on maintaining balance.

Spiritual-on swadhisthana or manipura chakra.

Eka padasana should be preceded or followed by a backward bending asana such as makarasana. This asana may be used as a preliminary practice to bakasana.

This asana strengthens the arms, wrist, back, hips, and leg muscles. It helps to develop muscular coordination, nervous balance and concentration.

CONTACT AYUSH NOW Email: Whatsapp / Mobile: +91 91612 09136